I live on the West side of the island 0.2 miles from the beach surrounded by two dogs, two cats, and one very large flamboyant tree. :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
how to clean out a refrigerator (aka ADD is fun!)
Step 2. get home - get overwhelmed by various animals demanding attention, food, more attention, more food, even more attention.
Step 3. drag footstool to fridge, prop it open and clean out the bottom shelf. Oh the disturbing bottom shelf! Containers of goop, jars of glop, something that may have at one point a vegetable (not sure though). Throughout all of it I found random beer bottles.
Step 4. clean out bottom shelf.
Step 5. get distracted by shiny objects, do other stuff, wander back to refrigerator.
Step 6. remove 2 cats from refrigerator.
Step 7. reclean bottom shelf.
Step 8. close refrigerator, give up, and go to bed early.
the end....
Saturday, December 25, 2010
well.....hello there!!
and no that the touchy feely portion of my post is over please let me tell you how awesome it is to enjoy a beautiful sunny day on Christmas...be jealous people.
I should also throw in a token apology, because wowsa have i been busy. As you probably know I work at an oil refinery, it is a huge amazing beast of an oil refinery with some unique challenges. I often jokingly refer to my job as working in the wild west of industrial hygiene - i face problems here that no longer exist in the states. Lately however i have been doing documentation and field work quantification. I have a gift of being able to do this after spending years doing this in Chicago. Its a gift and a curse....so my 15 hour days have been "fun". I just wish I could teach this skill, but alas it appears not so much. ~sigh~
So, my deepst apologies for not posting and not even attempting to "do" the holidays. I bought no gifts, sent not a single card. In fact i didnt even hang lights until December 24th at 9pm. I hung the lights in the window and got a big fun holiday rush.
I hope everyone has a great holiday and enjoys all the lights in your lives whether it be people, pets, or kmart LEDs - or if you are lucky like me - all 3!
Happy holidays everyone - I love you all!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
shower friend...
so, to solve the problem i left the red party cup on the spider while i showered and let him loose when i was done.
thus is my story of my new shower friend, goodnight folks!
happy thnksgiving!
but with no stress and a tropical paradise....kinda spiffy.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
night shift...
so, ive been working nights and i think night shift makes me insane.
concentration is darn difficult.
and i feel like i will never catch up on sleep.
here are some exciting listed items for your reading pleasure:
1. ramen noodle is not food.
2. nothing is open when i get off work at 5:30
3. when you get a day off and you go swimming in the ocean you should not do so with your cell phone, car keys, dramamine, and $15 in cash in your pocket.
4. i can free dive pretty deeply for $15.
5. i do not have the self control to go to the animal shelter and leave without an animal.
6. if you visit me i will try to get you to go to the animal shelter and take an animal back home.
7. although i am generally considered crazy; there is always someone crazier.
8. i really like living alone; but i do get lonely.
9. right at this moment, i am hungry.
10. im apparenty allergic to orange juice; however i feel the need to test the theory, which is stupid, due to the difficulty breathing and the horriific itching and all....but if it isnt the orange juice then i officially let myself get so stressed out that my body basically said, "fuck it; im out" and tried to kill me. so for peace of mind; im blaming the juice.
gnite ya'll.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
nights nights nights...
The first few nights were rough...things are settled down into a routine now. The contractors who are down to help are pretty good. Wise, fun, decent IHs.
But people, I am tired. Like, soul-weary. I *need* a break. I need a break off this island for a bit. I still love living here, don't get me wrong, I have just spent a very long time without a break. Incident after incident after audit and then straight into a turnaround. My timesheet said I worked 71 hours last week...I miss being a consultant.
Remember my boss? He got promoted out of our department and while I have a certain amount of "yay" for him; I have a hell of a lot of "whoa" for me (us). The amount of work to do; the amount of stress and
I am still not an employee of the refinery. Not that this is all bad; there are a couple perks I enjoy that employees don't have. But at some point the "busting my butt to become an employee" became resentment. Not a whole lot of resentment; I just wonder if the day comes I get the magical job offer if I will be happy; or just a bit weary.
This place is very much a testing ground; the "wild west of industrial hygiene" where you aren't worried so much about the little stupid stuff and focus (as much as humanly possible) on actual hazards. It is a lot. And I've survived so far.
I just need a vacation.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hello. :)
Enough of the bitching. Nothing I can fix tonight.
Right now I am wondering exactly how much caffeine will kill me? I think I may be dancing on that edge. **blink**
Home News
So, I have moved. I now have a spiffy house with actual rooms(!). It has been amazing. The dogs have a HUGE yard to run and play in (okay, they sleep...but still, if they wanted to they could run and play). And just this morning I saw Greebo (the cat) grab and kill a bird mid-air. So, he is settling in nicely...
Speaking of kitties...I got another one. I know, I know. They were going to put him down soon. and he was all sad...and young....and hell, this is WHY I don't go to the pound. Anyway, his name is Pratchett and he is less into killing things and more into being adorable.
In the middle of the night 3 days ago I thought I was hallucinating about two white kittens...it turns out that two white kittens AS WELL AS one black, white, and brown cat keep wandering into my house. So, yeah...NO. I need a havaheart trap for Yule so I can get these strays fixed. I don't actually know what to say about the fact that it seemed acceptable to me to hallucinate kittens...
Hope everyone is sleeping well. lack of sleep apparently means I cannot finish a sentence...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Still alive!
Mmmmmmmm. Nap.
For those of you not in the loop my mother is in town. I flew her in to help me with the move. I needed help badly and YAY! she delivered. We were packed and out (mostly) of the old apartment within days of her arrival. And the new house....oooh, the new house. Allow me to sing its many praises: a roof that does not leak, a bathroom that does not flood, rooms with doors. Okay, yes, it has its downsides, but in general I'm VERY happy.
The dogs are thrilled too. They have a GIANT yard to run around in.
Pictures will follow once I have a minute to breathe. But where I have moved I am MUCH happier. :)
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
pants pants purse
Sometimes people who work in the administration part of the refinery wear business attire. Sure, okay…no worries. The other week I saw patterned pants. These pants caused a physical reaction in my body. The pattern, the mass of polyester, for God’s sake THE PATTERN!!! Okay, we have Heather’s fashion rule #1—no patterned pants. A light pin striping is fine…just not, well, cripes—psychedelic patterned polyester business pants. I think I would have had a seizure if they had a matching jacket. ~shudder~
Now we move on to the “other” pants problem. If you wear coveralls, wear the freaking coveralls. Sure, don’t get me wrong—if you have been working in the field all day and you are hot and sweaty it makes perfect sense to take off the top half of your coveralls and tie them around your waist on your way out. Please don’t wear a dressy button down top and then tie your coveralls around your waist. Just say no. It’s not okay. They make fire retardant pants. If you want pants, get pants. If I saw this happening once in a while—so be it. But there is one very nice lady who does it every day and it drives me insane for no good reason. My fashion-short-bus’d self has no room to make commentary but there ya have it—Heather’s fashion rule #2—wear your clothes.
Lastly, and this is probably just a personal preference. But HOLY CRAP does seeing a woman carrying a purse—a delicate girly purse, while wearing coveralls just looks wrong. Not a little wrong—a LOT wrong.
So, Heather’s stupid pointless fashion rule #3—don’t carry an annoyingly fussy purse when wearing coveralls. It looks stupid.
Okay, that’s all I have for today. Tune in later this week for more pointless observations. ~smile~
Monday, September 27, 2010
Today (Monday) I am back at my regular activities and I found it very hard to focus. It was a nice mental break to have to focus completely on different stuff. However, now that I am back to my desk looking at my “to do” pile I want to run away again. Here are a few updates from my world:
s I’m moving. Weeeeee! I am getting away from the insanity of my neighbors. Bless their alcoholic rage-filled little hearts. More power to them, they can have that place. I am very excited about my new house with its big fenced in yard walking distance from one of my favorite beaches.
s Dogs are good but WOW did they lay a guilt trip on me this morning as I left for work. They looked at me with “again?” written all over their pathetic little faces. Last week was hard on them—12 hours+ alone every day. Not a single accident those poor babies. I didn’t leave them alone over the weekend, tried to take them with me everywhere. Poor little punkins.
s Cat is still insane. I really like him. The random attacks on my feet are a little intense; but totally worth it.
That's about all. love ya'll!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
But why, oh why, when the safety admin is away from her desk, does every jackass wander into my office looking for help passing multiple men along the way? That my friends, that right there is sexism and it is starting to piss me off.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Industrial Hygiene Mascot

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A tearful goodbye...
I met my favorite brand of bike shorts back in 2007 from an online company that had them on clearance. I bought six pairs. Well, here we are three years later and they are all starting to die. I can’t complain, they have put in a few good years but they don’t make this kind anymore (of course).
The only story I can liken to what I am experiencing today is a horror my husband and I experienced while camping. We all sat around chatting and laughing and enjoying the company of those around us. One lovely large gentleman was wearing leggings and not much else. At one point the seam of said legging started giving way in the “crotchular” region. It wasn’t as if they just gave way altogether, it was more of a Playdo Fun Factory pressing effect as more and more of his “crotchular” area fun factory’d its way out. My husband gurglecoughsnorted and said in an incredulous and horrified manner, “the structural integrity of your pants has been compromised!!!!” before closing his eyes and trying to forget the image…the horrible horrible image.
Needless to say for a few years all of our friends used my husband’s overly complicated version of “dude, your junk is squeezing out your pants” for anything we could. Often heard around our home was, “the structural integrity of
So, thankfully my bike shorts are safely covered by coveralls and there is minimal danger of any visually horrifying playdo fun factory events—needless to say it may be time to buy some new “under coverall” shorts.
Hurricane Survival Kit
Flush Water
There is nothing as decadent as indoor plumbing. During hurricane season I keep an old cat litter bucket (cleaned and approx. 5 gallons) filled with water (and a little bleach). The cat litter bucket has a lid which I keep closed to prevent mosquitoes from enjoying a breeding ground. Then, when a flush is needed, I have that ability. It’s awesome.
Face Wipes
Okay, I know most of you have heard of the whole baby wipe thing. Those are fine but if you really want to “treat” yourself buy some fancy no water needed face washing towelettes. I have some Olay ones and I love them. They actually made me feel clean before bed. I can’t recommend anything more.
Wash Yer Dang Dishes
Very little is as gross as icky dishwater. Now, if you have it and don’t have electricity or water for a few days it gets really manky. So, when you know a storm is coming make sure to wash all your dishes and put them away before the storm. Then use environmentally unfriendly disposable products during the storm. Water is way too precious to do anything else.
Soapy Water & Rinse Bucket
I use my empty dish washing sink bucket thing and half fill it with sudsy water. This allows me to wash my hands during the storm and after by dunking and swishing. I rinse my hands in a bucket with clean water before drying. This may sound stupid, but it is amazing how often I needed this.
Oil Candles & Lantern
Light is amazing. Sure, I need a headlamp to read and all that but just by illuminating an area it can make you feel less alone. There is a reason everyone gathers at campfires…it feels homey. Just remember all your basic fire safety skills.
Buckets, Buckets, and more Buckets
You may have noticed that I use a lot of buckets—get more of them. Somewhere in your house is going to leak. You may need to soak something in bleach, you may need to dip water out of your cistern, just get lots of buckets. Trust me. I think I have 8 bucket-type objects, and yes, I have used them all.
Drinking Water
A lot of potable water is essential. Seriously. The estimate is 1 gallon per person per day. Pets are a minimum of ½ gallon per pet a day. Those estimates are NOT for people like me and my pets. My big dogs need a gallon per day as well. So, I have about 30 gallons before any hurricane. So far so good.
Insect Repellant/Raid/Boric Acid
The little buggers EXPLODE after a storm. I had an ant infestation on my stove within 1 day following inclement weather. A sprinkling of Borax and they were gone. J Also, mosquitoes are just evil—they will eat you alive after a storm. I keep a can of Off by the bed and in the kitchen. I rarely use Raid—but it isn’t bad to keep on hand.
If there is no power or phone service after a hurricane, there is no way to get money and you can’t pay with a credit card/debit card. So, yeah, take out as much cash as you can prior to a storm. One person I know puts all ones and fives he gets in change in a jar starting June 1st and uses that as his Hurricane Fund. It’s a pretty good idea.
Battery Operated Fan
I don’t have one; but I sure have wished for one for the last few days with no power! I have great hopes of getting one someday. :)
Rubbermaid Roughneck Containers
These things are great. Keep a few changes of clothes in one of them so that you have some dry clean clothes to wear. Sometimes everything gets wet.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The dark horror was prevalent in our office. We didn’t want it.
It sat on a chair…looking at us.
Okay, I’m being a wee bit melodramatic; but it was annoying. So we zipped down the hallway and crowded into our boss’ office doorway and said “do we have to?” to which he said, “Nope”. The offending poster was taken away…they still haunt the hallways though. If a poster was wall I needed to become motivated…
Should anyone wish to giggle you can Google “demotivators” and see what I wish was all over my walls.
...a minor rant (email)
So, if any of you out there have email; and I know most of you do; please remember to PUT YOUR FLIPPIN’ PHONE NUMBER IN THE SIGNATURE! Yes, I am well aware that people are getting outlandish with the signature lines, for example:
Heather Blah Blah Blah, Whooopie dooooo title.
Company address
Company address
Company website
Phone number
Cell number
Personal website
Annoying biblical sentence or save the earth message all about your journey and your commitment to blah blah blah blah.
Don’t. Be. That. Person!!!
However, if you send me a flippin’ email asking me to call you and you don’t at least have a stupid phone number at the bottom of the email it makes me insane. Then there is the searching for the number…~sigh~
So, my advice to anyone who cares enough to read this stupid posting. On outgoing messages have your name, phone number(s) and maybe your email (although if you are sending an email don’t we already have that?). On reply messages at least have your name and phone number—even just your office line.
What are we—cave dwellers? Come on! J J J
Okay, rant over. J
an essay on feminism (with no good answers)
I am a feminist. I truly believe women have the right to be whatever they want to be whether that be a housewife, CEO, garbage collector, prostitute, doctor, you get the idea—whatever they want to be.
I recall an “anti-feminist” movement back when I was in college; women afraid to declare that they were feminist because they really didn’t understand what being a feminist meant.
And there is the crux of my problem—do I know what feminism means? I have a tendency to get by in this world using my charisma as opposed to my education. I’ve been known to utilize every trick in the book from blatant flirtation to aggressive behavior to being more like a fraternity brother than a girl to get sampling done and or to get people to listen. It’s never thought out; I just sort of passively read people and then behave the way I intuit will get me what I need.
Some people are HARD for me to read. My current boss is impossible for me to read and in some ways for me that is ideal. It forces me to be a better employee and a better scientist. But holy hell is it frustrating to have someone I can’t read to report to. It causes me to be nervous every single time I have to interact with him.
So, speaking of my current working situation—I think the other day I was treated to a little gender discrimination. It shocked the living crap right out of me. It was assumed I couldn’t do something because I am a girl. It was unexpected and made me uncomfortable.
Men and women are very different – physically, emotionally, and chemically. Does that mean one is naturally better as some things than others—probably. Does that mean we have to conform to conventional gender roles—nope.
Do I have any answers?—nope. I just find myself contemplating these things sometimes.
Post Hurricane Plumbing
My First Hurricane
During the hurricane I napped. I did. Me, the dogs, and occasionally a sopping wet cat were snuggled on the bed and we napped. What else was there to do? It was rather peaceful. I read a book, napped a little, read some more, napped some more. Got fancy and made a tuna melt, read some more, napped some more.
There were no tree limbs in my way into work the next morning. Here we are on Wednesday and I still have no power but I prepared for that. It should hopefully be up by today (fingers crossed).
The one thing I noticed about the Hurricane is that it was long. Picture a really bad thunderstorm that goes on for about a day letting up only intermittently. I had a hard time figuring out if it was “over” or not.
Well, made it through my first one. It was less exciting that I had prepared for however more preparation is not a bad thing. Also, the aftermath (since we were just brushed) has not been nearly so bad.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hurricane Earl Rated: meh.
No power, high winds, leaking roof. But it is the same place it always leaks so ya know, no biggie. I had candles and read with a headlamp. I got fancy around 5PM and made myself a tuna melt...then early to bed and finished my book.
It was fine.
I still didn't have power when I left for work this morning; but that is still nothing too major.
Anyway, I shall update more later; for now just wanted ya'll to know I am good; pets are good; island is good.
Phone service is still spotty, internet really only works here at work.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I've been trying to think about this but in all honesty my brain keeps re-booting with a disturbing *THUNK*. Almost 6 weeks *THUNK*, of 10-12 hours per day *THUNK*, 6-7 days per week *THUNK*, and it looks like I'll be on nights *THUNK*, I don't get any extra $ or time off for this *THUNK, THUNK, FAN STOPS, MUST REBOOT*
There is not much to do except knuckle under and do it. Ugh. This post is bringing me down. :)
Here is something adorable, ready? So you all know my disturbingly psychopathic cat Greebo, correct? Well, he kills, he maims, he destroys, he yowls, and last night--he sneezed. And it was Freaking Adorable. It was a delicate fragile sounding "pi-chu" and it made me laugh uproariously. I then picked him up and called him my little cuddle-umpkins until he was so angry he jumped down, smacked the crap out of the dog, and stomped out of the house to go rape and kill some rainforest fauna. My widdle cuddle-umpkins. :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Yikes! Hi!
I've been very busy. Work, work, and a little more work.
I have many things to share, many embarrassing situations to impart.
But now, eating lunch.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
My day...
How's tricks everyone?
So, tropical storm Colin was all organized, then he got all discombobulated, now he's trying to get his shit back together. I feel that storms pain. I have been a busy little bee lately. Work work work, then some more work.
Today however, today I rocked some serious awkward...and lord I know how much ya'll enjoy my awkward.
So I now share an office with the sarcastic coworker, and it's been awesome (for me) except when he hasn't had coffee cause then he is a little bitchy. :P
Seriously though. It's been great. I feel more a part of the "team" and I'm more focused being around sarcasmo and the boss. So. Yep, today.
Before I get to the extra embarrassing part--here's a little nibble: during a coversation between Sarcasmo, me, and Boss, I used the phrase, "rockin' it old school industrial hygiene." Then heard what the hell just came out of my mouth, looked up in horror and said, "please kill me, I don't know why I am THAT geeky. "
Then later Sarcasmo and the Boss were chatting about some work we are setting up. Here is what I heard, "tech tech tech, bucket, tech tech important words, chemical tech tech chemical tech magic flapjack important tech doom"
So, after the boss left and I went into the bathroom to pee, send my best friend the text message "am I dumb?", and then slumped back to my desk. I flopped into my chair dramatically and said, "Sarcasmo?, does Boss ever make you feel stupid?" And just as the word stupid came out of my gaping maw guess who walks into the office--yup, Boss. I looked at Boss, turned bright red and said, "uh. Uh. Uh. I was just. Uh talking about you and wondered if. Uh I was. Uh." Then gave up talking and applied my head to my desk repeatedly. Thankfully I write better than I talk and managed to explain to Boss that I was concerned I didn't know enough about the refining processes, he said nice things, I got all glowy and happy and then I twiddled with a powerpoint until 7:30.
So now I'm home in bed and sleepy.
Have a great night everyone.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Colin wussed out...
Have a great day!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
It's Colin!
It will probably brush by us a bit to the north but as a wise man told me I have only been here for 5 minutes, I don't know nothin. :P
Have a great day!!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Why I'm grateful...
1. I have some amazing friends-seriously! I have 2 friends that have been all over the flood cleanup in Illinois. Also-i have one friend/co-worker (yes, the sarcastic one) who removed the beeping from my emergency battery backups. It makes power outages more peaceful. There are many other wonderous people out there and I am SO lucky to have them.
2. Noise cancelling earphones. Best things ever.
3. I love my job AND I have a job in this economy. I am so freaking lucky and blessed about that.
4. Diet coke..that fizzy dark delicious soda often makes my day better.
5. My pets make me laugh every freakin day; I am so lucky I get to laugh.
I have many more things to list; I'm just working on a few at a time. :D
Goodnight everyone!
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Stupid Bussy
It's been a hella busy week..
Been missing chatting with you, but with 2 computers for 14 people its hard to get on here and do anything other than work..
Any way
Hope things are ok for you, I really do..
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Me: “Honey, there is a toad in the shower, I’m tagging you in on this one because I am way to hungover to deal with toad urine. Greebo must have brought it in to taste more purple. Additionally I recommend grabbing the empty Wendy’s cup to trap it to take back outside because it has a good depth while still able to cover the top with your hand.”
Him: “yeah, we should get some disposable cups so we can save the live things easier.”
Me: ~face in pillow~ “mmmpha” (roughly translated—good idea, I need to die now)
More updates coming soon. I'm blessed to have the friends I do; anyone willing to clean up your house during and after an epic sewage backup deserves a medal of freaking honor.
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Friday, July 23, 2010
I've been taking sudafed for the last couple of days and I'm pretty sure I'm reacting as if it were meth. I feel excessively tweaky. In fact, I was just in the bathroom wondering why I was so paranoid. So I sat down and thought for a minute and slowly I remembered about the sudafed and how it makes me basically twitch mentally and physically.
Something else I noticed in the bathroom. Windex says it has a new "powerized" formula. And yet when I make up words folks mock me.
Additionally this sudafed makes me think in lists. Lists of things I notice. List of thoughts I have. List list list. Yet, I don't write them down. So, basically a useless gift.
Love ya'll
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
Remember when I could use the internet?
And the rain. Hooo-doggie, the rain. Bright side-cisterns have got to be full. Downside-I'm a wee bit clammy as is everything I own.
Additionally I am sad to say nothing funny has happened the past couple of days. Oh...hold on. Okay, so last night there was a fire (it happens) and therefore my boss and sarcastic co-worker were called in (I'm totally 3rd string; I don't even have bunker gear. No lie-I WANT to be a first responder but shit-first I need to get hired). So this morning the office was filled with my sarcastic coworkers wet bunker gear. I didn't care, it needs to dry somewhere. So what if we looked like some insane laundry service. So we were starting to get looks and the boss wanders in and tells us to go check out a newly emptied office because it's bigger.
We are totally moving. :) we now get to hide in the back. So, although I'm pretty sure they are just hiding the crazy people in the back office, the new digs should suit us (and all our crap) pretty well.
Have a great night ya'll!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
O. M. G.
Or so it feels. My Wifi is down, both Sprint and AT&T phone service is down (on the west side of the island), roads are flooded, my power has been more out than on, bedroom roof is dribbling water as if there is a sieve instead of a roof, and the bathroom is just straight pouring in through the (supposed) ceiling.
There isn't a hurricane...just a tropical storm that is probably going to turn into a hurricane after it passes by us.
*giant freaking grin*
I still love it here though.
And before you ask, no, I don't even officially HAVE a job here. Just still pounding along as an independent. The hard part is most of the time I feel like I work for "the company". But, have a big one-on-one meeting with the new director on thursday. I awkwardly asked my current boss if it was appropriate for me to ask (beg, whine, you know...) the new director about hiring me. Both the sarcastic co-worker and my boss looked at me as if I were insane and said (I'm paraphrasing here), "uh. yeah. That's what the meeting should be about you dumbass".
So. Its still raining. I still have no way to post this. But I will send it tomorrow.
Love ya'll.
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Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Nothing of import....
2. Can I ship a coconut from the virgin islands?
I honestly don't know. Maybe....
3. Remember the story of the rat? If I were smart I would link that post to this post, however I usually write these from my phone so I am not that savvy. Anywhoodle, the basic plotline was at one point my apartment had a rat trundle through the living room in the middle of the night and the dogs didn't care. So off the the animal shelter I went and got Greebo the hellcat. He. Kills. Everything. And haven't seen anything since. So today I got home and the husband told me he found a dead rat under the fridge. He had noticed Greebo staring at the fridge and, well, that lead to an investigation and he found a dead rat. I asked him, "did the rat die of poison?".
He replied, "uh, no...it had a hole in it."
"Good Kitty." I said.
Glad to know he is earning his wet food. Doubly glad I didn't have to deal with any of the ick.
Alright. That's all I have for this exciting friday evening of television. :D
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Got to work after being out sick yesterday (hey, cut me some slack, I worked some from home and felt like boiled hell) found out I had a meeting in 2 hours that I was supposed to lead.
Then my boss indicates (tells) me that sometimes I am all over the place in meetings and that is okay cause it is part of my style. (Yes people....ADD can be a style, oooooh shiny, what's that, wait, what?) But maybe this meeting I should have an agenda.
All in all I had a pretty good day. A wee bit hectic, but I'm getting better at prioritizing.
I certainly have grown up, matured, no, wait, better description...gotten old in the last year. I realized while searching in vain (boss found a copy-so all was not lost) for an email sent about 15 months ago that I had a certain immaturity to my emails which, while adorable AND hoolarious (to me), probably wasn't appreciated by everyone. *shrugs*
Interesting sidenote: I no longer cower in fear in regards to upper management. So, that's a plus. I am calling that a win for tonight and going to bed.
Additionally, just to give ya'll a mental image of my maturity level, in today's meeting I pointed at the man who claimed he didn't receive the email I sent 15 months ago and said, "I CALL SHENNANIGANS ON THAT, SIR!".
Hell. At least I didn't say bullshit.
Maturing here people. Every. Freakin'. Day.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
okie dokie...
So, today was just a day...July 6th to be exact. Woke up, thought, "ugh" sat down, my husband made me breakfast, then in order to kill just a little more time before driving to work, I put on eye-makeup. You'd a thought I murdered a puppy and wore its head as a hat. Sarcastic co-worker states, "why do you look so shiny". Random firefighters, "what's wrong with your face". Decently nice co-worker, "So....what's up with the eye makeup."
Since regularly wearing any kind of makeup on this island takes a level of dedication I do not have (hell, let's be honest, I didn't have that much make-up dedication even when I didn't live on an island) it makes quite the impact when I do. When I was a teenager my mother would wake me up early for school so that I would put makeup on. *blink* So my bleary-eyed, never get enough sleep teen-aged self would drag some liquid liner across my eyes (in a wobbly line I am sure), scrape some mascara on my lashes and hope to pass inspection. Yes, you guessed it; while other teenagers were rebelling by wearing excess makeup I rebelled by washing my face. So there!!! :)
Wanna know the worst part? I totally look way better with makeup than without. Stupid parents are always right. :)
Anyway, nothing too exciting happening today, but tonight when I came upstairs to listen to some music with headphones (sharing an apartment is WAY hard when you aren't used to it) and work on some reports I found THIS in my bed!
How is there a seashell in my bed? No idea--haven't been to a beach in...well, a really really long time (yes, I live on an island...but I'm REALLY bad at getting out of my house).Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I turn 33 in 2 days. I shall count all my blessings then--because I am lucky to have many.
On the bright side the bathroom close to my new office has a very kind mirror. I love that and shall include it in my blessings. :)
Have a good week everyone!
Friday, June 18, 2010
My Embroidery
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
And good morning to you Sir!
I began talking to it as if it could listen, then trapped it into a container, shuffled onto my deck and sent it sailing into the rainforest.
If it comes back I shall put a collar on it, name if fluffy (it was hairy!), and teach it to cuddle.
Good morning!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It may be dubbed "Alex" but in all likelihood it will get smacked down by an opposing windsheer.
But that reminds me I forgot to tell ya'll--this year is forecasted to be a BAD hurricane year. So, just to let you know, I will be fine. I am not too worried. I am all stocked up on necessary stuff, blah blah blah. I do still need a tarp and potentially a chainsaw.
But other than that I'm good.
So, if a hurricane hits us, I will post a "im alive" posting as soon as I can. But, assume I am.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Additionally, allow me to explain my stupidity.
So, I can hold my own in a group of dudes. I mean, I can put on a great professional face for the client and articulate myself well in a composed manner from a sound scientific position, however-stick me in a room (or rooms) with a group of laborers and I can truly hold my own. I will one-up them on naughty comments, have needed tools, know their use, crawl into inspection ports with no regard for cleanliness, etc.
And...in theory, I can outdrink a lot of them. I can certainly talk a good game anyway. Wanna know what I am doing on this rocking saturday night? That's right, I am watching bad tv while doing embroidery. Yeah, I'll take it easy, I know these crafts can be hard core.
Now, as to my stupidity. I tried to make my blackberry work faster by deleting a bunch of programs. Turns out--when you delete your operating system it causes ALL sorts of problems.
Sooo, back to my exciting evening. Please note--I am not complaining--this is exactly where I want to be. I just realized that there is a group of insulators out there who think I am out at a bar, drinking, dancing (probably on a bar), and carousing when in fact I am blogging, embroidering, drinking water, and watching (wait for it) Gilmore Girls.
Shooosh!!! You know you are jealous.
Monday, June 7, 2010
They Are Everywhere!!
Oh. And tonight the ants have taken over my bed.
Somedays living in the rainforest aint all it's cracked up to be.
Besides that, work is...well, its friggin' busy.
Nope-still no "official" job--i even got ballsy enough to ask my poor beleaguered boss about it today. Seriously, every time I see that guy I think--poor bastard. His like has become budgets and meetings and he looks beat-up.
I have an office! I actually have an office, a lab, and another lab. Sounds fancy-pants don't it? Yeah, it's not. But I share an office with my sarcastic co-worker and I LOVE IT!!! He probably hates it but it is SO nice being around people again.
I thrive on busy-ness and people around me.
Anyway, there is my update.
Miss everyone a lot!!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Crunch! Squish! Eww!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
...everyone hold hands...
This week began the yearly "asbestos refresher training". I actually enjoy taking time and getting to know all the insulators. It makes my job smoother throughout the year and they are a fun group of dudes.
Well, this year we are getting a whole new crop of asbestos insulators. They are training all week (as opposed to refresher training which is usually just a day). On Monday during my Asbestos Supervisor Refresher training the power went out in the refinery. I took that time to go and chatter with the new asbestos insulators. Talked about their concerns and spent time joking with them. It was easier talking to a room full of people in the pitch dark and I had WAY too much fun calling them on their random double standards regarding women. :)
So, today I stopped in to check on training progress and got put on the spot by the instructor--can we visit your lab?
Uh. Okay. FIELD TRIP!!!!
So I go over there and the 20 insulators follow in A YELLOW SCHOOL BUS.
Grown men. School bus.
Then they all tried to crowd into the tiny lab. I explained we were going to have to do this one at a time. I showed them all what it looks like under the microscope and it was fun. They were excited to be there. Loved learning.
Then I had to rush off to a different training session where there is one lady I want to backhand as she is snotty.
So, I'm pretty sure today is as close is I ever wanna get to being a teacher.
Now remember the buddy system on your next field trip!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Essential Truths of Heather
- only if I pick at a scab in a visible location (i.e. face) will my boss or some other important official person show up as I try to staunch what immediately seems to be arterial bleeding.
- there is never enough diet coke
- there are never enough jumpring keychains. They are insanely useful and everyone should spend a dollar and get 5 at the hardware store.
- Always keep duct tape in your car. Seriously. Then, when you have no rope and someone tied something up there that isn't going to stay ~coughmattresscough~ you can fold the duct tape together and make rope and ACTUALLY tie stuff down.
- Amtrak will never stop sending me emails.
I Ain't Dead!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
~performs happy dance~
The twizzlers just make me happy because they are delicious and I haven't had a piece of licorice the whole time I've been on island (I've only seen ginormous bags of twizzlers for like $20-i couldn't commit to that many).
The purple pens make me happy cause 1. they were $2 for 12 of them and 2. They are going to make my sarcastic co-worker a little more insane. Some of my greatest joys in life are hearing him say in a shocked hissing tone, "inappropriate" at one of my horrifyingly inappropriate stories or when he stomps around the lab stating--"why are there no NORMAL-colored pens here!"
Sleep well ya'll!
But let's just say due to a contractual misunderstanding I am not getting another day off for a good 7 months.
Ahhahahaha....nope. Still not funny.
Also, covered in hives again without having ingested mango....ahahahaha.....nope-itchy.
Alright. have a decent one.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Not exciting
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Thursday, May 6, 2010
Why cats are evil....
However, cats and I have never really seen eye to eye. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against cats but they've never been fond of me. Probably given my tendency to chase them around going "kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty".
So when the whole, "I live in the rainforest and holy shit there is a rat in my house a rat. a. RAT. Oh. My. GAWD and mice. Mice. oh my GAWD." problem occurred a cat seemed to be the best answer.
And it was.
Please note: Greebo (the kitty) is doing his job. Living things do not last long round these parts. Many a baby lizard have I caught and tossed outside with a whispered, "run fool! Run!!!" I'm fairly certain my dogs are still alive by sheer mass. Something the size of a pug would be killed and strung up as a warning to other dogs by this cat. (Sorry, he kinda IS that creepy)
As well as my dogs are trained is as well as this cat has me trained.
Tonight we had the following discussion:
"HUMAN!! Open my packet of wet food!"
*me enjoying a movie* "shut up Greebo"
"HUMAN!! Do it now or there will be consequences!"
*goes to take shower, hears CRASH from kitchen, goes into kitchen*
~Greebo looking smug~
*I pick up keys, safety glasses, wallet, and pen from floor*
"Human, last chance!" he meows.
Then, the little bastard twines around my open bottle of diet coke spills it, stands over it, and watches gleefully and it pours all over the counter and onto the floor.
*sighing with resignation I open a packet of food, clean the mess off the counter and floor, take a shower, and go to bed*
Game, set, and match goes to the cat. again.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
F#«k My Life.
It was me. Me. I was the jackass in the meeting.
I swear--went to bed at 10pm last night. Nothing exciting. Woke up before my alarm this morning and felt well rested and awesome. But by the time I got to the work meeting I was draggin ass.
The room was super warm and it took all my concentration to stay awake. I would swear in a court of law I stayed awake, alas, according to 3 co-workers and my boss I looked like hell. And looked like I was sleeping.
Well. Shit.
The only thing I did differently was take 1/2 a sleeping pill last night.
Right. Not doing that again.
You get to look and feel hungover with none of the pleasant affects.
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Sunday, May 2, 2010
My new table...
So, while my neighbor and I were putting together the table that Green Giant commercial came on asking "how long does it take for vegetables to lose nutrients after they're picked?". My neighbor replied, "Long before they make it to St. Croix".
He is not wrong.
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I finally did something embarrassing...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Goodnight ya'll
It was great to chat to different people who all had stuff in common.
Sunday was spent doing cleanup, chillin', reassuring my dogs we weren't keeping that rottweiler puppy the other folks brought (no matter HOW FRICKEN' CUTE she was and she was snuggly and had that cuddly puppy belly...but I digress ;) ) and put stuff away.
All in all a successful fun time. Wish I could have brought everyone.
Oooh--irrelevant sidenote: any CIH out there looking for a challenging job in the VI. Contact me for details. A new position just opened up.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sadly, I am only here with a beer and some depressing tax info.
Thankfully there is beer.
I'm over here on the east side of the island. VERY different vibe over here. So, here's the haps:
Still no job security.
Still no money.
Still no husband here.
and I owe way more in taxes than I have.
~shrugs~ but there is beer. Oh tasty beer.
All will be well; I am not concerned (anymore--had a fun few days of panic). So soon this accountant meeting shall occur. I shall hand him checks. Then home and bed. :)
Hugs to ya'll. Happy tax day!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Oh Woe Is Me...
- get a primary doctor
- get an on-island dentist
- buy new fire retardant coveralls
Why these three things in my mind assured me of getting booted off this rock I do not know. I'm superstitious by nature. *shrugs*. So, on monday when my pounding head and fever FINALLY got me down I called and made an appointment with an "internist". Then fearing the spiral was already in effect on Tuesday I went to the safety store and bought 3 new pairs of fire retardant coveralls. Because really, why not go out in style? and No. I did not get a dentist. Because board certified dentists who give me nitrous to clean my teeth in the states scare me, let alone some dude with a coconut and a chisel (no, this is not accurate, yes, this is anti-island, I don't feel good and am whiney, WAH!) My appointment was for Wednesday.
So fast forwarding through the mental breakdown that was Tuesday (didn't get paid, freaked out, wrote an incredibly long email to HR which literally included the fact that I was getting made fun of in my worn out coveralls (fashion matters EVERYWHERE people) but because I hadn't been paid I could not afford new ones), they wired me the money, I went and bought coveralls, tuesday over, went home and went to bed before the sun went down. Have I mentioned that I am a touch dramatic when I am sick? Cause I am. And I am well aware it is not pretty.
Wednesday morning I woke up bright and early (cause you know, went to sleep at like 7PM) and grabbed a new shiny pair of coveralls, donned them and looked like a 4 year old in her mother's pajamas because I hadn't washed (aka shrunk) them yet. Whatever, new coveralls...off to work.
And here is where I have to stop for a minute, lay my head down, and remember....because this is so embarassingly awkward. Folks, I don't know if you have noticed...but I'm a talker. And sometimes I'm....mmmm, how do you say, an inappropriately sarcastic talker. So, put me in a meeting (and feverish) and you get....well, "awkward Heather". I wanted to write about the horror of this meeting moment earlier this week, I just wasn't ready to face it yet.
Okay, I'm ready. So, there is this thing going on, they were talking about handshakes with a lot of people. I asked the occupational nurse with a sarcastic little head tilt...."so, flu season's over right? maybe we should just switch to fist bumping". ahaha haha ha. I'm soooo witty. *blink* This turned into a 20 minute argument regarding hand sanitzation, breaks to wash hands, would it be offensive to hand sanitize after each handshake...(expletive!). I couldn't even look at my boss. It was horrific. It was all my fault. It was silly. GACK! Sarcastic co-worker looked at me and mouthed, "WHAT DID YOU DO?!?". It was horrible. Like a train wreck. Started a new mantra that morning. Must. Shut. Up. it's simple, to the point, and so very very true.
I had to leave work to make it to my doctors appointment. Holy crap. I will finish this post later. It gets worse. so very very much worse.
Monday, April 5, 2010
So now I'm laying here in bed ready to sleep and my mind is racing although (sadly) with nothing of profound interest.
This is sad, but I just literally looked around on my nightstand looking for something of interest to say....cripes. I got nuthin tonight folks.
Have a great night, work and drive safe, eat fiber, take vitamin D, and joke 'em if they can't take a f#*k.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Welcome Back Slackah!
Hi. I’m sorry, I ‘vacated’ for a while there. It was awesome. Any boy oh boy does the real world SUCK. I shall tell you why soon enough but for a quick re-cap of my “stay-cation” two close friends came down to visit and we had much fun. Sure, they dragged me out of bed in the mornings to, as they say, “do stuff” but it turns out that doing stuff—even if that is only sleeping at the beach—is kinda fun.
So, happy vacation and soon I will have new pics showing on the blog.
In the interim here are my friend’s pics:
and here are mine:
Hi. I’m sorry, I ‘vacated’ for a while there. It was awesome. Any boy oh boy does the real world SUCK. I shall tell you why soon enough but for a quick re-cap of my “stay-cation” two close friends came down to visit and we had much fun. Sure, they dragged me out of bed in the mornings to, as they say, “do stuff” but it turns out that doing stuff—even if that is only sleeping at the beach—is kinda fun.
So, happy vacation and soon I will have new pics showing on the blog.
In the interim here are links to my pics and my friend's:
Darn you Doctor Radio! Darn you all to heck!
Do you know I was drifting off to sleep, listening to the sounds of strangers’ medical problems. Enjoying a bit of schadenfreude on things I didn’t have, seeing if there was some new knowledge on things I did have, and feeling a little bitter at the braggarts (I lost 50lbs blah blah blah—shadddup)…
Then, it happened. That program ended—Goodbye guy in Texas with heart problems, Goodbye hypothyroid lady in Colorado, and Goodbye erectile dysfunction man in New York—I loved you all.
The next program started and filled me with a cold fear unlike any I have ever had before. All of a sudden I am sitting up in bed in the dark listening intently and all I can wonder is
Yes, for those of you women (and men) out there I got sucked into the terrifying nightmare of vaginal, cervical, and uterine prolapse. Now, to be fair, the doctor giving the talk was very clear, concise, intelligent, and just downright good. She explained the biomechanics of how it can happen (women are made to be more elastic than men—kinda cool, but then again, kinda not), the genetic component (did any of your relatives have bits hanging out of them? Chances are you will too), and how many women have to be counseled that this is something that is not their fault (I get it—I would be wiggin’ out myself—but really, medical shit happens and since we humans are surviving well past our sell by dates these days it just looks like we are going to have to spackle ourselves together as best we can). The host of this particular show (may that melodramatic fear monger rot, and let me tell you why) had one catch phrase that she kept saying over and over and over and over and over, “…and sometimes women just feel stuff hanging between their legs…” This farkin’ sentence has got me squeezing my thighs together like a nun on a high holy day. What. The. Hell?!?! If my cervix ever falls out I surely hope I notice something is amiss before I suddenly have a new appendage just a’danglin.
(and ladies—keep it together. *snicker*)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sorry, sorry...
Amusing, yes--hoo-larious, no.
I guess part of the reason I've been embracing this writers block is that I am hesitant to write about work on this blog. Recently, one of my favorite bloggists (2birds1blog.com) got fired due to hers. Damn shame, especially because I found her explanations of Boss #1 and Boss #2 hoo-larious.
But, things are a' hattenin. I am having HOUSEGUESTs. Two lovely ladies I have known for years (who have both been here before) are coming back. Let the debauchery/hoolarity/vacation begin!
Oops, not yet. 2 more days of work first.
Both fly in on Friday.
Yippeeee vacation.
Yippeeee friends.
Yippeeee obnoxiousness.
Ooops. Not yet. Sorry. 2 more days of work.
THEN the loud fun-ness of Not reading my email and Not looking at text messages and Singing (yes, we sing) and Joyful vacation shall commence.
*minor preemptive happy dance*
Fun later.
Not now.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Fauna of my Potty
Monday, March 1, 2010
Painfully Random
Find the joy in the little things people. :D
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