Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday of doom...04/30/09

Wake up at 3 am. Heartburn. Have to pee. ugh. attempt to get out of my bed only to find that somehow the covers have twisted over me like a demented python. I wiggle myself free and check my phone on the way down the stairs--furry dogs following closely behind. Then I wonder why I get emails at 3 in the morning...seriously? why? who is up emailing...oh, it's my broadband statement--probably it's automatic. I let the dogs out to take care of their business while I take care of mine. Then I go in search of the Tums. They are in the back (far back) of a cabinet...I reach, I try to be careful but BLAMO! out falls a glass perfume bottle which explodes in a clean lem0n-y and razor shard bonanza on the kitchen floor.

*sigh* then I clean that up.

I got back to bed and sleep through my alarm. I wake up, grab a yogurt and some grapenuts. It was a new box of grapenuts and when I tried to open it sitting on the couch, well, it exploded too. Tiny sharp crunchy grapenuts EVERYWHERE. I sat there, watching my dog attempt to vacuum them off the floor--they kept getting stuck to his nose.

Then I gave up, got dressed and left for work.

When I arrived at work I needed to pee again. Uh-oh. The bathroom is out of order.


After a few hours it was fixed. I did drop a few carrots from my lunch, but all things considered I survived (so far). I kind of fear going home and cleaning up the rest of the grapenuts...or worse go home and find my dog burping fiber.

It is raining here today. Which is great cause we need it badly. But everyone here seems to get really happy when it rains whereas I just really want to take a nap. :)

mmmmmm. nap.

Happy Thursday folks.
(later note: sorry, this was a draft from last thursday. looks like I forgot to post it :( )

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


please click and read for a quick moment of awww.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pig Video

So. I gave the pig a beer.
He liked it; I got damp. This is the video of it. Thankfully you can't see any more of me than my arm--but you sure can hear me!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Against all known laws of physics my roof leaked again. It has a solid sheet of metal covering it and I cringed having to tell the landlord.
Some of my things got wet--the pic is those things hanging out to dry. I know, lame picture. :)

Yesterday, my cousin got married. This is a cousin I do not know very well, but I hope she is very happy. My beloved aunt reminded me that I was the first person of my generation (in our family) to get married. Holy Crap! (I thought) She is right. So as a forerunner in this marriage game I thought I would throw out some knowledge for those of you looking into the prospect. Admittedly many of you reading this have been married MUCH longer than my paultrey 6 (almost 7. Holy Crap!) years; but mayhap these will help some of the single folks...

1. Marriage is NOT the end. For some reason, and maybe this was just me, but when I was dating I kind of thought the "goal" was marriage. Well, its not. It is the beginning of a serious long term partnership. Enjoy dating. Don't rush.

2. At some point in your marriage you will hate your spouse. With the ability to really know someone and really love them--you can easily slide into hate. It can happen when you sit in the toilet bowl (seat up) for the 374th time; or as you lie there praying for the snoring to stop. Know that those feelings will pass.

3. Try not to gossip with your friends about the horrors of your spouse. Later, when you've moved past something--they will remind you.

4. Always blame the dog when one of you farts. It keeps the romance alive.

5. Forgive their faults. Because for as many as you see in them, they have just as many percolating in their head about you.

Feel free to comment with any other marriage advice!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Captain Morgan

(Hah! I know you all think this is a post about drinking!)
But this is a pic of a bird that I fell in love with at the beach named Captain Morgan. He is a rescue, and it is the first bird I have ever met that really loves to cuddle. He has been with his current owner for a month. He was a LOT of fun.

Waxing Poetic

Forgive me for losing my normal sense of sarcasm, but I just saw this island, this island that I have fallen in love with, at its most beautiful. I was sitting here lamely watching enjoying some network tv. It suddenly was dark. I had 3 thoughts almost simultaneously (huh, its dark; oooh, we are going to get rain; crap--my car windows are open.). So after rushing outside to close my car windows I rushed upstairs to my covered balcony. I sat and watched the rain as it poured down. The island seemed to drink it in, everything is so dry. It was beautiful, I could see the rain coming down with small areas of heavier rain looking like fountains throughout the valley.
It was stunning.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday...and why it's hard to be a girl.

I am over my cold (yay!). I no longer sound like Barry White+phlegm and I am finally feeling back to normal. This week we had a trainer in to refresh the insulators--this just means that they needed their yearly training update. They asked me for a trainer suggestion as their person was retired. I set them up with the people who trained me. Thankfully, it all worked out great and they were really happy with Mark.

For those of you who know me, you know that my internship when I was in college was living in a tent for 6 weeks capturing rattlesnakes for a tagging and release program. This is kinda superfluous to the story, but while living outdoors I learned a few different ways for a girl to pee. That's right, there are more than one. It was during this internship that I really began to envy boys, I mean, they can just pee standing up. It just all seemed so unfair. But once the internship was over, well, thanks to the wonders of indoor plumbing I never really got envious until these days. I am not alone. I was monitoring a lovely woman operator, as I was setting her up with various sensors for various chemicals I had to stop and think...I can't put that there, it will impede her taking off her clothes to pee. Yes, that's right, we women wearing nomex jumpsuits and radio holsters first have to remove the radio holster, find somewhere to hang it, then unzip the coveralls from the top, grab our sleeves, try desperately to not let the nomex hit the floor, wiggle out of our underthings (bike shorts, etc) and then, finally we get to pee. Then reverse the entire process inside of a tiny stall and/or portapotty. Do you know what guys have to do? Yeah, they just unzip the coveralls from the bottom, then pee.
So jealous.
So, I could wear separates, pants with shirt. But then what would I have to bitch about? hmmm? :) My next lesson in "how to work in industry as a girl" will be about the "head nod". It is critical.

My plans for this weekend include going to visit the rum distillery on Saturday after a delicious breakfast at the domino club. then dropping off Mark (trainer) at the airport before taking a nap. Then I have to do laundry.
I am looking forward to my plans!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My New Bracelet

Hey everyone. I seem to have survived my cold! (Yay!) And they found my lost deposit (Yay!) And I bought myself a new bracelet (Double Yay!-Thank You Aunt Mary Jo & Uncle Tom!). This one is a hibiscus flower.
Its Saturday, not much is going on. The only news island-wise is we Need rain. it is starting to look like Fall. One of our two cisterns are dry. :(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh Whoa Is Me...

I am feeling spectacularly sorry for myself today. It is Tuesday. I am at work. I don't feel good due to a nasty cold. All my visitors are gone. My bank lost my deposit (they are looking for it...but still--how do you LOSE AN ELECTRONIC DEPOSIT??!! I am so bitter (and poor!)). Also, I sound like a female impersonator due to my cold (and was called "sir" on the phone).
And this morning I learned that if you drink diet coke really fast but have too much post nasal drip--it can lead to something foamy and disgusting.
Just fyi.

I am feeling oddly better now that I just made you all say "ewww!"

The one shiny bright spot in my day is I signed up for the great turtle race. It is the migration of the sea turtles and 11 of them are tagged. We should be able to follow their progress online. I am disturbingly excited about following their progress.

(come on, you know you want to sign up too!!!)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rat Killer at Rest!

Happy Easter

Good morning everyone, I hope you all wake up to presents from the easter bunny.
As most of you know due to my whiny post--i have a cold. But I am currently coming down from quite an adrenaline rush. Here's what happened: last night I took an interesting cocktail of cold medicines designed to let me sleep, not cough, and reduce the amount of goo my head is trying to drown me in. So, sleep I did. And while I slept my mischievous puppies worked on an Easter present for me! After my kidneys filtered the cold medicines and filled my bladder I woke up about 5AM and began the climb down to the bathroom. I didn't see it then, but after the lights were on--there it was!
A RAT. My puppies had killed me a rat.
Now, quite a few different thoughts came to me all at once. 1. Eeeeeeeeek!!!! A RAT IN MY HOUSE. 2. Okay, this shouldn't freak me out-I've worked with all sorts of Eeeeeek!!! A Rat! 3. This WOULD happen when Wilkes is not here. 4. Find the latex gloves.
So, I donned the gloves, covered it in paper towels, and bagged it up in a ziplock (gallon size--not a small rat!). Then I ran down and put it in the landlord's garbage cause I didn't want it in mine.
So, after one last Eeeek! And a few Ewwws. I scrubbed my hands, told the dogs they were good dogs (better dead rat than a live one I guess) and came back to bed.
So, I hope you all wake up to better Easter baskets than mine. (Ewww)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Boo Hoo Bunny

Well Folks, what we have here is a Boo Hoo Bunny situation.
My husband is on his way home, I have a nasty cold that I got when we took my husband to the doctor on island (turned out to be an ear infection). But I was stuck sitting next to a woman coughing and oozing out of all her face holes. I joked, "great, now I gonna TB. Like Russian Prison TB."
So now I have a cold. Not like a sneezing cold, but a tight hacking cough someone kill me my lungs hurt-cold.
Yup, I caught me the consumption (this is a joke, I seriously doubt I have tuberculosis).
And Wilkes is gone. My house seems so empty. And big.
Yes. I am totally lonely, and am currently wallowing in my own misery (insert hacking cough here).
And then, when I was sittin here typing this up--i spilled my soda onto my phone!!!! I snapped it up and took it apart super quick.
Phew...nothin wet. I took it apart anyway to let it dry just in case. I put it back together and it worked fine. Until all my keys started typing different letters. (Eek!) So I took it apart again. This time putting it in a ziplock with some dessicant packs and some cotton balls. After an hour or 2 I tried again, success!
I'm driving into town to say goodbye to my aunt and uncle tonight--it has been great to see them.
Goodnight all!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nagging Feeling...

Ever get a feeling you are forgetting something? Something important? Yeah, I was having that. Turns out I haven't DONE MY TAXES YET!!!!
Eeek! Right. I know what I will be doing on Easter.

Monday, April 6, 2009

...Still Waiting...

Well, we are still waiting. I am fairly certain the lady sitting next to me has tuberculosis.
I offered to lick my finger and wiggle it around in Wilkes ear...oddly, he didn't think that would help.
Huh. :)

Doctor Hunt of Doom...

Well, we are waiting outside of doctor #3.
Doctor #1 was off island; Doctor #2 had a waiting room (and hallway) full of folk and was not taking anymore walk-ins; but we are on the list for Doctor #3. We are waiting outside as the waiting room is full of sick people.
And there is a small cruel part of me wondering if I smacked the side of his head if it would fix his ear.
Don't worry, I know it won't.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My New Drink...

Dear Folks,
Coupla new things, 1st off it is Sunday and my husband was supposed to go home today. However for the past 2 days he has been deaf in his right ear. So the airline recommended that he not fly, pay them a buttload more money to change his flight, and that we find an island doctor. So we have our plans for the next day or so....*sigh*
2nd thing, I invented a new drink. Wilkes named it the "Constipated Russian" and it is delicious!
Take one coffee cup, fill with ice. Add some cold-brewed coffee (my new favorite thing, seriously, google it--it has changed my entire opinion on coffee), then add some vanilla rum and some caramel baileys. Then top off with milk and more ice. Oh, the secret ingredient? 2 tsp of Benefiber. (Well, it's kinda like eating a vegetable.). Sure, the fiber is not required, but how else would it be a "Constipated Russian".
And thirdly, my Aunt and Uncle are on island (Yay!!) But they had a rough time getting out of Miami so we decided to meet up tomorrow instead. I can't wait to see them!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I don't know...

Dear everyone. I haven't written lately, mainly because I have my husband in town and it is way more fun to spend time with him then time with my computer. I even turned in my timesheet a day late (I am going straight to accounting hell when I get back--hey, thats not a bad idea--we should lock people in trouble with accounting in a closet or something...waterboarding?) sorry, lost track there for a minute.
Anyway, everyone is asking, do you know if you are being shipped home? In truth, I have absolutely no idea. Neither does anyone else. Believe me, I have asked.
When (if) I find out, I will let everyone know. But for now, there is just no information. Some days it feels like I am here for the duration, some days, not so much.
The truly sucky part is I have absolutely no control over it. None at all. So I am just enjoying my time here day by day and really enjoying having my husband here. He is loving the water and does some snorkeling (and he free dives too!) almost daily. The dogs were thrilled to see him and everything is going great.
I love ya'll, and I will write more (and be funnier) when I am alone and bored. I get damned entertaining when I am bored. :)