Friday, February 12, 2010


  • I need stuff.
    Now, I have a really good friend who is sending me stuff. But this is the same really good friend with whom I embrace slacker birthday and yule gift giving when a. we see each other or b.we find somthing the other person loves. This often led to me getting birthday presents in April (as opposed to my actual birthday in July) and her getting stuff sometime around Halloween (her birthday is the end of December). So you see--these things may not arrive in a timely manner.

    So here goes...I need care packages people. Help. Now, none of you are obligated in any way to send me things...and yes, I am aware I have a husband who *should* be on top of care packages. Needless to say, he is crap at it. I still love him though. :)

    Here is a list of stuff I need:
  • Crystal Light peach mango green tea loooove this. Originally found it at Target when I was back stateside over Thanksgiving. However, (shockingly) this flavor is not available here on island.
  • Crystal Light in any other wacky flavors you can think of. I'm trying to cut down on diet coke.........
  • Other stuff cause I'm lonely and want care packages.

    So, this is not an extensive list and I will pay anyone who wants to actually mail me a package of such items. I highly reccomend the flat rate shipping boxes from the United States Postal Service. They will ship as much as you can fit into it regardless of weight. Very convenient. :)
    Here is my shipping address:

    Heather Wilkes
    PMB 273
    6002 Diamond Ruby Suite 3
    Christiansted, VI 00820

    Now, should anyone be interested in a care package exchange rather than me giving you money for the items I will happily put together an "island" care package. Local hot sauces and other items are a fun thing to get especially during winter.

**Update** would you believe I just got some crystal light mix?!? The dude (IH here for the turnaround) had his wife ship some in a care package. YAY!!!! So, I'm good for a while but will still happily get into an exchange of package program with you. :)

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