Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Its just after 6pm and I'm home. I left here about 12 hours ago. After letting out the raging beasts and letting in the yowling feline I'm sitting. And sitting is good.
Here are the items I've taken out of my pockets:
-5 empty earplug wrappers
-my wallet
-assorted pens, sharpies, and screwdrivers.
-leather gloves
-an empty chemical resistant glove wrapper with some used pH paper in it (pH of 3 if your the curious type)
-a paper cone cup; squished.
-a smoke alarm cover which was red and said *Remove from Alarm After Trailer is Occupied* I sat in a meeting with 20+ safety professionals in said trailer, none of them saw that. (This fills me with horror btw; but then again sometimes I'm also that stupid *shrugs*)

After I took off my coveralls I found I was wearing 3 sets of earplugs around my neck. The random thought was where did the other 2 pairs go?

My life has become about the Turnaround. It is both boring and exciting. Thrilling and horrifying and exhausting and angering and I still love it.
I'm tired.
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