Monday, October 5, 2009

People, I'm pooped.

Hey folks.
Still busy doing the quitting of one job and beginning of another while in reality doing the same darn thing. Sometimes I realize just how weird my world can be.
I normally update this thing on Sundays--but I was actually doing stuff. I am currently a lovely shade of lobster red on my shoulders from an afternoon at Sandy Point where I swam to my hearts content. Everyone remember the movie Shawshank Redemption? Yeah, that final scene was shot on the beach I was swimming off of. I live in the paradise that prisoners dream of escaping to.
Speaking of escape: I get to take a trip home over Thanksgiving; I am very excited. The one thing I have noticed about people from here going stateside--we all plan where we are going to eat. Don't get me wrong--food is plentiful and delicious here but options are limited. Also, after being at work all day after I get home it is just hard to leave again. But then--I am a total homebody. So here is a list of things that I have planned to eat so far during my Thanksgiving Midwest Tour (where I apparently plan to gain more weight than your average cruise ship passenger):

-Walker Brothers Pancake House
-JK's (local place of tasty breakfast)
-Taco Bell (don't hate--if you don't ever get it; come on you know you would want it)
-Portillos (mmmm, I want a chopped salad, fries, and a beef and cheddar croissant)
-Moon Temple (mmmm local chinese)
-Dunkin Donuts (Coffee in a super large horrible for the environment styrofoam cup and a glazed donut)
-on the way to Ohio we always get Hardee's at the rest stops. mmmmm, 43,589 calories of fat

I'm sure I will think of many more things to eat. Oh yeah, AND I will get to see my family. :) :) :)
(see? see how I was funny there? made people think I cared more about food than my family? funny huh?)
Hugs to everyone!

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