Today we updated Wilkes' phone because our carrier has to change from Verizon to AT&T for the island. We got him the Blackberry Bold for his Yule and Birthday present combined and for the first time he is officially out-geeking me with his technology -- I am totally jealous! :o)
Verizon (just fyi) does not office service on STX, well they do but apparently it runs at over $1 per minute (yikes!) so my company is switching me over to an AT&T account, but we have still kept our 618 area code numbers. :o)
It occurred to me today that I have a TON to do before I leave in a mere 34 days (holy crap!!! 34 days!!!) I still have to figure out what to bring, what to leave, what to ship, etc. If anyone has any good ideas feel free to leave me a comment.
Also, should anyone be planning on a visit, try to let me know as soon as you can, I will set up a calendar for couch space.
Hugs to you all!!!