Friday, July 9, 2010

Nothing of import....

1. Someone walked into my office today and said, "someday, the earth is going to open up and swallow this refinery into the bowels of hell, and I will be like, what...what was in the virgin islands?...." then left. I've had days like that, but never been that eloquent.

2. Can I ship a coconut from the virgin islands?
I honestly don't know. Maybe....

3. Remember the story of the rat? If I were smart I would link that post to this post, however I usually write these from my phone so I am not that savvy. Anywhoodle, the basic plotline was at one point my apartment had a rat trundle through the living room in the middle of the night and the dogs didn't care. So off the the animal shelter I went and got Greebo the hellcat. He. Kills. Everything. And haven't seen anything since. So today I got home and the husband told me he found a dead rat under the fridge. He had noticed Greebo staring at the fridge and, well, that lead to an investigation and he found a dead rat. I asked him, "did the rat die of poison?".
He replied, "uh, had a hole in it."
"Good Kitty." I said.
Glad to know he is earning his wet food. Doubly glad I didn't have to deal with any of the ick.
Alright. That's all I have for this exciting friday evening of television. :D

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