1. Someone walked into my office today and said, "someday, the earth is going to open up and swallow this refinery into the bowels of hell, and I will be like, what...what was in the virgin islands?...." then left. I've had days like that, but never been that eloquent.
2. Can I ship a coconut from the virgin islands?
I honestly don't know. Maybe....
3. Remember the story of the rat? If I were smart I would link that post to this post, however I usually write these from my phone so I am not that savvy. Anywhoodle, the basic plotline was at one point my apartment had a rat trundle through the living room in the middle of the night and the dogs didn't care. So off the the animal shelter I went and got Greebo the hellcat. He. Kills. Everything. And haven't seen anything since. So today I got home and the husband told me he found a dead rat under the fridge. He had noticed Greebo staring at the fridge and, well, that lead to an investigation and he found a dead rat. I asked him, "did the rat die of poison?".
He replied, "uh, no...it had a hole in it."
"Good Kitty." I said.
Glad to know he is earning his wet food. Doubly glad I didn't have to deal with any of the ick.
Alright. That's all I have for this exciting friday evening of television. :D
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