Friday, July 23, 2010


Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.
I've been taking sudafed for the last couple of days and I'm pretty sure I'm reacting as if it were meth. I feel excessively tweaky. In fact, I was just in the bathroom wondering why I was so paranoid. So I sat down and thought for a minute and slowly I remembered about the sudafed and how it makes me basically twitch mentally and physically.
Something else I noticed in the bathroom. Windex says it has a new "powerized" formula. And yet when I make up words folks mock me.
Additionally this sudafed makes me think in lists. Lists of things I notice. List of thoughts I have. List list list. Yet, I don't write them down. So, basically a useless gift.
Love ya'll
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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