It's been a hella busy week..
Been missing chatting with you, but with 2 computers for 14 people its hard to get on here and do anything other than work..
Any way
Hope things are ok for you, I really do..
I live on the West side of the island 0.2 miles from the beach surrounded by two dogs, two cats, and one very large flamboyant tree. :)
It's been a hella busy week..
Been missing chatting with you, but with 2 computers for 14 people its hard to get on here and do anything other than work..
Any way
Hope things are ok for you, I really do..
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
So, today was just a day...July 6th to be exact. Woke up, thought, "ugh" sat down, my husband made me breakfast, then in order to kill just a little more time before driving to work, I put on eye-makeup. You'd a thought I murdered a puppy and wore its head as a hat. Sarcastic co-worker states, "why do you look so shiny". Random firefighters, "what's wrong with your face". Decently nice co-worker, "So....what's up with the eye makeup."
Since regularly wearing any kind of makeup on this island takes a level of dedication I do not have (hell, let's be honest, I didn't have that much make-up dedication even when I didn't live on an island) it makes quite the impact when I do. When I was a teenager my mother would wake me up early for school so that I would put makeup on. *blink* So my bleary-eyed, never get enough sleep teen-aged self would drag some liquid liner across my eyes (in a wobbly line I am sure), scrape some mascara on my lashes and hope to pass inspection. Yes, you guessed it; while other teenagers were rebelling by wearing excess makeup I rebelled by washing my face. So there!!! :)
Wanna know the worst part? I totally look way better with makeup than without. Stupid parents are always right. :)
Anyway, nothing too exciting happening today, but tonight when I came upstairs to listen to some music with headphones (sharing an apartment is WAY hard when you aren't used to it) and work on some reports I found THIS in my bed!
How is there a seashell in my bed? No idea--haven't been to a beach in...well, a really really long time (yes, I live on an island...but I'm REALLY bad at getting out of my house).