Monday, June 7, 2010

They Are Everywhere!!

Haha-dont worry, I haven't gone schizophrenic yet. But seriously, the millipedes are EVERYWHERE. In my bed, in my shoes, in my car, on my car, on my couch, crunch-squish-underfoot. I am SO over these damn things.
Oh. And tonight the ants have taken over my bed.
Somedays living in the rainforest aint all it's cracked up to be.
Besides that, work is...well, its friggin' busy.
Nope-still no "official" job--i even got ballsy enough to ask my poor beleaguered boss about it today. Seriously, every time I see that guy I think--poor bastard. His like has become budgets and meetings and he looks beat-up.
I have an office! I actually have an office, a lab, and another lab. Sounds fancy-pants don't it? Yeah, it's not. But I share an office with my sarcastic co-worker and I LOVE IT!!! He probably hates it but it is SO nice being around people again.
I thrive on busy-ness and people around me.
Anyway, there is my update.
Miss everyone a lot!!!

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