Sunday, September 20, 2009

So much...

I really don't know where to begin. Well, first off it's Sunday night, beautiful sunset as always. :)
My dogs are sleeping on the cool tile floor, my new cat (Greebo) is sharpening his claws in the bathroom waiting for something to kill and I am in my pajamas. In all truthfulness I was in pajamas all day although I did change types after my shower.
So, I quit my job on Friday. Officially put in my 2 week notice. In case any of ya'll haven't noticed--I find change frightening yet do it anyway. I called my boss and told him about it, got all emotional until he said, "uh Heather--we're not breaking up". This caused me to laugh through the tears. Then I sent out a couple of texts and emails to various folks and then my phone went bat-shit crazy with the calls, texts, and emails. My poor little battery wore down very quickly.
I had a few voicemails from people which I didn't check until Friday night. One of the ones that sticks out was from my mother where she said in a playful tone, "I hope you know what you're doing little girl!" I laughed out loud, said "I sure don't" to the dogs and went to bed.

So here I am about to start the sequel of my time here. I'm thinking of calling it, "Heather's Island 2--this time for keeps" or something equally inane.
In a nutshell, I'm excited to keep working where I am--I learn something new every day; I am not sure about a lot of the details of the future--but really, who is?

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