Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday, January 14...

Soon my friends, soon I shall get to eat food that I didn't cook. Was anyone aware that I am not that great of a cook? I wasn't either. I mean, it's all edible--it is just such a pain in the butt to cook for one person--especially without a microwave (yep, tomorrow I shall buy a microwave) and then you have to wash all the dishes.
Actually, I shouldn't complain - I got taken out for sushi last night. And it wasn't bad--in fact it was quite good.
However, and this is an important tidbit for everyone, if you know you have to wake up at 4:45 in the morning to get to an oil refinery by 5:30 at the latest to perform science-y type calibrating stuff do not stay out until midnight enjoying a fine glass of wine (or 2) with some co-workers-- even if it is very tasty wine. I say this because I found it to be unpleasant this morning. AND I found out I am stuck here until 4 because of RAM training. What is RAM training you ask? why it stands for Rapid Air Monitoring. I know, I thought we did it as fast as we could too...who knew I was performing Slacker Air Monitoring. Hmmmm, Slacker Air Monitoring...I wonder if I can get patches made for my nomex?
The highlight of my day so far? There is a dude named Otto. His office is between my IH lab and my asbestos lab. He is a definite fixture around these parts. Anyway, he had this tiny little pocket knife. I commented on it, he said they were super cheap (0.99). Anyway, he went out of his way and bought me one. Gave it to me this morning. It was so nice of him. Yes, its a crappy little knife, but crappy little knives come in SO handy. Should you care mine is yellow. :)


Anonymous said...

Heather go to find anything you like and adjust the recipe serving size for 1, it works great!!


Heather said...

That is a great site, however it wants me to cook things--using ingredients. :( I am more a fan of opening things and heating them up. Less dishes that way. :) :) :)
Also, currently the only stuff I have in my fridge is mustard, pickled beets, and diet coke. Not a single recipe on that site uses all those ingredients.