so I land, I get the rental car which turns out to be a jeep wrangler which I have always thought I wanted. Turns out it is really hard to fit all my crap including a dog in a crate. But we did it and then I followed my landlord around and up a mountain to my new home.
I live way in the middle o' nowhere. I am about 30 electic polls past a paved road. Or 30 poll past the pave. :) however you wanna say it.
The apartment was a little disappointing at first. I had that panicky I am alone in the middle of nowhere and I have nothing feeling. So I called my
husband and cried at him (poor bastard) and sent some gloomy texts out to my family. my mom and my sister cracked me up. My mom immediately sent back--get bleach, start in the bathroom and do the rest tomorrow. My sister immediately got one
of her friends who will be out here in a few days contact info to me. What can I say, I am loved!!! :)
Now, here is where it gets kinda funny. So my landloard offers to go with me to the grocery store, which is good cause hell, I don't know where I am and it was dark.
So we are driving down the steep, rocky, crazy hill that is my home and we see a tiny little woman trying to hike it in flip flops. My landlord states that is your neighbor.
So we pick her up, she is a bartender, who was left by her jerk of a husband, and her car is totalled. Oh yeah, and she was SLOSHED. It suddenly occurred to me that 1. My problems are few. And 2. My neighbor drama here is going to be WAY better
than I could have hoped for. :) :) :)
Oh. And it took me a little while to realize that her car was totalled a couple weeks ago immediately after the car was totalled. Well, I'm not positive about the timing, but any which way, it was interesting!!!
I am sitting on my deck, 2 exhausted black dogs at my side, my neighbor just went back to work, all is peaceful, and my view is freaking stunning. :)
That is it for now, I will write more when I can.
at least its not snowing :-)
Glad to hear you are safe and tucked in. Fun neighbor drama, can't wait to hear more. Kiss the pups for me. You ARE loved!! Miss you terribly,
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